
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Snow Day in Cartersville

Is this Wrigley? With temps in the low 30's Mason prepares to make a play in between the snow flakes.
The Marietta Knights arrived in Cartersville for the USSSA Champs Wear the Rings Tournament Saturday morning to temperatures in the low 30's and played several innings in a steady snowfall. The Knights knew they were facing very tough competition in their pool play games but solid starting pitching kept them in both games until big innings and not enough offense ultimately doomed the boys from Marietta.

JD Rinehimer started game 1 against the Oregon Park Phantoms striking out 5 in 3 innings. The offensive highlight of the game was Will Nelson's big blast to the CF fence in the 2nd. But the Knights' offense couldn't get anything else going and Oregon Park used a 5 run third to put the Knights away 9-0.

Will Nelson played all 5 innings of Game 2 behind the plate
and had a big hit in Game 1.

In game 2, Austin Hansell was great on the mound against the SBA Scorpions in his first start of the season. Austin struck out 4 and only allowed 3 hits in 3 innings. He also fielded the position very well helping himself with 2 assists from the mound. The Knights were very much in the game trailing 3-0 after 3. The Scorpions big inning came in the 5th when they put up 6 runs to complete the 11-1 victory.

The Defensive Play of the Day was a perfectly executed run down in the 2nd when Austin caught a Scorpions' baserunner off of 1B, threw to Presley Field (1B) who threw to JD(SS), who threw back to Austin who threw to Mason Doyle (2B) who applied the tag. It was a beautiful play and the boys went crazy when Mason showed the ump he still had the ball and got the out call.
Presley had 9 putouts
on the day
Despite the losses, 2 Knights had very good days. The freezing temperatures couldn't cool off Isaac Zefo's hot bat as he went 3 for 3 with an RBI. Meanwhile, Presley Field picked up where he left off last season at 1B. In addition to his part in the run down, Presley recorded 9 put outs at first on the day.

The Knights will start bracket play Sunday morning at Rudy York Field in Cartersville.

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